Today, as I was elbow deep in dirt in the inside of my oven at 1:15p.m. on week day, made me realize that my life a year ago is very different from my life now.
August 28. 2007
6:15a.m. - wake up, get ready to go to work
6:45a.m.- eat breakfast with my husband, load dishwasher, switch laundry, etc.
7:25a.m.- go to work
7:35a.m.- greet precious children as they come in for school
8:15a.m.- elementary chapel
8:45a.m.- work on projects (anything a Kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade teacher ask me to do)
10:45a.m.-set up in the cafeteria for lunch
11:00a.m.- try to manage a bunch of 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders while they eat
11:30a.m.- open ketchup packets, juice boxes, lunchables, etc. for K,1st and 2nd. (also wiping noses and chocolate covered faces)
12:00p.m.- answer the phone, take temperatures, wipe tears and put on bandaids in the office
12:30p.m.- eat lunch
1:00p.m.- work on more projects
3:00p.m.- attempt to get 300 children in the right car without being run over
3:45p.m.- go home and take a nap (remember I was pregnant at this point)
5:00p.m.- Brandon gets home from work and I might help him with dinner if I have the energy
7:00p.m.- doze in and out on the couch- waking up to talk to my husband every once in a while
10:30p.m.- Brandon wakes me up off the couch and I get in bed.
August 28, 2008
7:00a.m.- wake up by the sound of my little girl talking in her bed.
7:15a.m.- snuggle in the bed with Claira after Brandon gets her up and changes her diaper
7:30a.m.- take a shower and throw on a t-shirt and shorts (yes, I love not having to dress up)
8:00a.m.- Carter arrives, breakfast time- feeding two small children and myself at the same time
8:30a.m.- load two kids up and go to the children's consignment sale at the fairgrounds
9:45a.m.- get Carter out of the car, go back and get a sleeping Claira and diaper bag
10:00a.m.- play with Carter while Claira takes a nap , fold laundry and clean up after breakfast
11:15a.m.- give Claira a bottle when she wakes up from nap
11:45a.m.- start getting lunch ready, trying not to step on Carter who likes to follow me around
12:05p.m.- Brandon comes home and we all eat lunch (hiding the pizza from Carter while I feed him his veggies first), spray inside of oven so I can clean it during nap time
12:45p.m.- Carter goes down for a nap, talk to mom while Claira plays for a minute
1:00p.m.- Claira goes down for a nap
1:15p.m.- clean the nasty oven (not sure when it was cleaned last), switch laundry
2:00p.m.- talk to a friend on the phone who is also at home with her little girl
2:30p.m.- surf the internet, read blogs, check facebook, etc.
3:00p.m.- both kids get up from nap
3:15p.m.- snack time
3:30p.m.- give Claira a bottle
3:45p.m.- play with the kids on the floor, sing "If you're happy and you know it" more times than I can count
4:45p.m.- turn on baby einstein to relax before Carter goes home
5:10p.m- Brandon comes home, Carter goes home
5:45p.m.- start dinner
6:00p.m.- feed Claira
6:30p.m.- dinner
7:00p.m.- Claira is always cranky in the evening so we give her bath because it makes her happy
7:30p.m.- Claira has her last bottle
8:00p.m.- prayers and tucking Claira in
8:15p.m.- hanging out with my husband until we are too tired to hold our heads up (which sometimes doesn't take very long), pick up and clean bottles
3:00a.m.- wake up to Claira screaming because she is starving, feed and rock her back to sleep
Oh, how life has changed.