Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cleaning my house.

When Brandon and I first got married, I told him that as long as I was working I needed him to help out with keeping up with laundry and cleaning the house. I also told him that if I ever got to be a stay-at-home mom that I would take care of the laundry and cleaning. Well, easier said than done. I've made myself a cleaning & laundry schedule to help me stay on top of everything instead of spending my Saturday scrubbing the whole house. So far it is working wonderfully. One load of laundry plus one chore each day.

Sunday: Mop kitchen floor + load of whites
Monday: Hardwood floors + load of darks
Tuesday: Clean bathroom + load of bath mats
Wednesday: Dust & organize + load of reds
Thursday: Scrub kitchen + load of Claira's clothes
Friday: Make baby food + load of towels and rags
Saturday: Vacuum + load of sheets

I might be a little OCD but it makes me so happy that our house is clean and I never have 5 loads of laundry to do in one day. Don't know if this will help anyone else but it sure had made my life easier. I wish I had done this when I was still working- I hated Brandon and I spending Saturday morning cleaning.
Today I scrubbed the outside of my cabinets and stove. Last Thursday, I cleaned my oven and the week before that I cleaned out the frig and microwave. I might be the only one that notices that the cabinets are spotless but it sure does make me happy. I know I'm weird.


Rachel said...

You are not weird--you are accomplished! If you decide to expand your efforts, my house could use a little sprucing up. :)

Collin and Christy said...

haha, we've always known you are a little weird...but it's not because your cleaning habits :) Great schedule! Really! :)

Kelly said...

Hey! You are my cleaning accountability partner. If I don't feel like cleaning, I think, "Joy is doing the same thing, and she's the biggest neat freak I know." It's all in love really. I also finally set up the boys' bedroom tonight.

Jill said...

If you're weird...then so am I! I've been doing the same thing since Jack was born (a little bit every day) but then some weeks I get really adventurous and decide to take the whole week off! that helps me to not feel like I'm ALWAYS cleaning!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I am a cleaning scud! Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad! I want to be better. Actually, I smell my next cleaning job right now. :) We need to hang out.