Claira and I flew into Atlanta today to spend the week with my family while Brandon is in Nicaragua. Who knew that there was more than one way to celebrate the 4th of July? I always thought it involved laying on a blanket with some good friends and good snacks watching LIVE fireworks. No sir, not today- I learned what people who drive a Mercedes (yes, we parked the old church van in the same lot) do for this special day.
My brother and his wife work at several different venues selling merchandise during concerts. Today they got us tickets to the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra's 4th of July show. (It was wonderful, just different than what I was thinking.) People came all dressed up and sat outside to hear the orchestra and watch fireworks on big screens. There were three different types of seating. 1. Tables and table clothes in the very front of the amphitheater for those people with the most money. 2. Seats under the amphitheater for the middle class people to sit. 3. The grassy hill that you could rent a lawn chair for $5 after paying $15 for the ticket to get in (this would be where we sat).
I think the best part of the whole evening was when the lady in front of us broke her lawn chair and fell to the ground. Everyone around us was laughing so hard- she just decided to stay on the ground with the broken chair under her until the orchestra was done with that piece. Jordan and I were both crying we were laughing so hard.
All that to say, I love the thought of live music during fireworks but we were all a little bummed that they fireworks weren't live. That's the best part.
Just thought I would share that I learned something new today- there is more than one way to watch fireworks.
Happy 4th!